The enigma of the stones draws druids to perform their weird rituals.
She had observed them from a distance, through field scopes, and their animal existence, their weird and demented rituals, made her flesh crawl.
From the their positions in the surrounding hills, the Illyrians stared down at this weird ritual, scarcely able to believe their eyes.
The townsfolk who indulge in weird rituals in their pursuit of necromancy, bring the dead back to life.
Oh, we perform weird and secret rituals.
Gasping and choking, head reeling, he saw shadows scurrying across the porch in some weird dark ritual before his fading vision.
'We better get back; Curt'll think we're practicing weird female rituals in here.'
There was no doubt that the earthman was in the center of a weird ritual.
One can only speculate at the weird rituals that take place when the followers of this strange cult meet.
It was utterly boring,i had to sing hymns that seemed utterly alien to me,and lots of other weird rituals i could see no point in.