"I think it's a weird Republican trick," he said.
By the weird trick of the reflecting walls, it seemed as if five Pauls had entered by five doors simultaneously.
It was a weird trick to get the press to play through everything on offer, but it worked.
Surely it was some weird trick of the moonlight, distorting the familiar palms and shrubs.
Indeed, it is astonishing to find so much time and energy (let alone talent) spent on a weird trick of stylistic mimicry.
But just what is this weird trick?
Was her mind playing some sort of weird trick on her because she was nervous?
I've seen you use weird tactical tricks in combat based on theories far crazier than this downlink.
It had to be a hallucination or a mirage brought on by some weird trick of the weather.
Something - the blast, it must have been, which can play weird tricks - had sliced his clothes up the middle like a great razor.