It was certainly a welcome antidote to the deck area, where fellow passengers were packed cheek by jowl from morning to night.
It promises an openness which is a welcome antidote to the heavy centralisation embodied in the whole process.
But it's also sweet and optimistic - a welcome antidote to gloom.
It could prove a welcome antidote to the hucksters who trade in tragedy.
This project should come as a welcome antidote to that sickness.
It comes, first and foremost, as a welcome antidote to the blockbuster shows that encourage a superficial encounter of paintings.
It may not get far, but it's a welcome antidote to the far-right alternatives that also seek to appeal to working people on hard times.
It was a welcome antidote to my nervous insomnia.
It was a welcome antidote to the fear and the confusion.
A welcome antidote to the size 0 brigade.