As night drew her twilight veils across the land, she allowed a welcome coolness to flow into the air.
Boone's air supply was a welcome coolness in the face and lungs.
Lalo started home down the Wideway as dusk began to shade the streets and the sea breeze lent a welcome coolness to the air.
With evening came a welcome coolness and even a breeze.
Her body bathed in a rush of welcome coolness.
As soon as her decision was made, a welcome coolness flew through her.
Wind began to swirl, darting through the shed and bringing with it welcome coolness.
A slight breeze played about him, lifting the damp hairs on his neck with a breath of welcome coolness.
A sudden welcome coolness fell on me.
My three men at arms that had escorted us quickly heading for the welcome coolness of the nearest tavern and the cool beer on tap.