Many days it is still, almost indolent, a welcome counterpoint to the bustle of all the moneymaking going on nearby.
The commercials, by Wieden & Kennedy, provided a welcome counterpoint to the martial tone of the evening.
Its vivid evocation of a lovely summer day is thoroughly delightful, a welcome counterpoint to Bell's formalist discipline.
Her vigorous and astringent style is a welcome counterpoint to his elaboration.
Book-Friends has been here for four years and provides a welcome counterpoint to its neighbors, with a notable lack of dust, for starters.
Even the surface will often provide a welcome counterpoint to modern society by retaining its old-fashioned dirt or gravel surface.
And although the work is notoriously uneven, it remains a welcome counterpoint to the increasingly predictable slickness of the contemporary art scene.
For some, the religious journey is a welcome counterpoint to the one they endured years before to enter this country.
Our last stop, the Rio Vista Resort, was a welcome counterpoint to the rusticity of previous days.
A long bench of white oak provides a welcome counterpoint to the expanses of glass and polished stone.