But, in October, the campus welcomed transfer students from other disaster area schools, including girls.
The Standard Giants welcomed any and all competition, including white-only teams.
Built on principles of openness and excellence, the team welcomes anyone who is interested in participating, including students from other schools.
Hospital doctors welcomed greater focus on patient care, including improving ward rounds.
Later that year, the university welcomed its first class of twenty-four students, including three women.
He said he would welcome 91 new schools this year, including 40 small high schools and 9 charter schools.
But, he said, most of the people welcomed his presence, including children intrigued by his pistol.
Mr Mandela welcomed her entire family into his home, including a niece and nephew travelling with them.
I also welcome the option of deep geological storage, including the principle of reversibility.
We particularly welcome the changes to tribunals, including a rapid resolution scheme, which will allow faster justice for legitimate disputes.