The school was established in 1939 and welcomed its first set of students on 2 July of the same year.
They are welcoming us, but in the reserved manner of people who have been through a horrible time.
Each has been among the leaders in positive action and now welcomes an examination of impediments to change.
Yet the success of this approach is by no means clear, as both the government and society at large are not welcoming of foreign interference.
It was the only room that never welcomed her, despite its deep leather chairs and walls of books.
Something about Mars, it seems, is not welcoming of close human inspection.
Yet few people are so warmly welcoming of strangers as the Japanese.
The company wrote these floors were also designed to be "welcoming of women members."
I welcome, of course, his intention that the Union should listen to the people.
They weren't welcoming, least of all the men who were converting their benches into work stations.