Allied to the welfare cutbacks was a radical change in labour law, the controversial Employment Contracts Bill, due to be introduced in May.
The bishops' strong criticism of inner city problems, welfare cutbacks and pro-business economic policies drew a protest from Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher two years ago that the church was becoming partisan.
Now the welfare cutbacks in food stamps and all is hurting us bad.
Even before the recent welfare cutbacks, she had virtually no disposable income, and now she is left dependent on the charity for about $60 a month.
With welfare cutbacks and other spending slashes forced by the current national austerity budget, laying out millions of dollars for flags - even Canadian flags - is causing an embarrassing national flap.
Many other people besides Ms. Cooper have stepped up their donations to the fund this year, citing welfare cutbacks and leaner government budgets as motivation.
While most of the students took issue with his policies, focusing alternately on welfare cutbacks, the environment and prayer in schools, a few applauded his conservative reforms.
Aggravating the problem is the recession, which has forced welfare cutbacks as need has grown.
The decision, which clears the way for other welfare cutbacks adopted this year, follows a national trend among states to scale back assistance programs for single adults.
The Senate Finance Committee begins voting today on Republican welfare cutbacks that will throw children into poverty.