Administrative law judges, or hearing officers, are appointed by state agencies to decide matters ranging from penalties for speeding tickets to welfare eligibility.
And he claims to have saved taxpayers money by demanding tougher investigations of welfare eligibility and work programs for 600 of the 1,500 people on home relief.
In part this is a result of tightened welfare eligibility and cutbacks in Medicaid, the government insurance program for low-income people.
One would guarantee Medicaid coverage for people who might lose such health insurance because of new restrictions on welfare eligibility.
Custodial parents who exhausted their welfare eligibility would have an even more urgent need for support payments, he said.
Recently she has taken on other issues central to her clients' troubled lives by setting up preventive health screenings and workshops on immigrants' rights and welfare eligibility.
Throwing welfare eligibility back to the states risks triggering a vicious race to ratchet down eligibility rules.
The city is also asking for tougher screening of Medicaid applicants, similar to standards used for determining welfare eligibility.
Though they are not U.S. citizens, they are considered to have the same rights as legal residents 'for welfare eligibility purposes'.
Congress should mandate welfare eligibility for two-parent families.