It seemed to me an unequal match, but the demon was accounting well for himself.
That may well account for the gun issue's ups and downs in this decade.
This could well account for their constant forgetting about Chloe.
"Well, if Earth were radioactive, that might well account for its being warmer than expected."
With this in mind, it is vital that you account for yourselves well.
He said that overdevelopment, the loss of wetlands and climate change could well account for the phenomenon.
That might well account for their continued work if a battle of some kind were going on elsewhere in the system.
There are however problems with the shell model when an attempt is made to account for nuclear properties well away from closed shells.
If the pony thing was out of true - the weight not balanced right, or whatever - that might well account for it.
I can't blame you; he's a handsome fellow, and he certainly accounted well for himself in training.