The first parish of Yerres could well date back to the 12th century.
She also disclosed that the Senator had access at that time to the tape recordings, still not transcribed onto paper, dating well into 1992.
The Forsythe Collection (in a conscious manner) may well date back to the early 20th century.
Executed in brush and brown ink over a charcoal underdrawing, the drawing may well date from the artist's second trip to Italy in 1773-74.
Summing things up, she said, "I never dated well, but I married well."
This wall may well date to the 13th century.
Also on the property is a hand-dug well dating to about 1799 or earlier, the foundations of a house dated to about 1737, and a smokehouse.
It is home to 500 well preserved courtyard homes dating to the Ming and Qing dynasties.
Dating well now can help ensure a loving, satisfying, and full marriage relationship when God brings you together in that bond.
"The Last Big Thing," which opens on Friday at the Angelika Film Center, is a movie that will not date well.