It's not enough simply to use an emollient once a day - you need to apply it frequently to keep skin well hydrated.
Ask your doctor or nurse for more information Stay well hydrated.
Hydrating well before going in the water is recommended, especially if one intends to snorkel for several hours.
Mrs Fellows is well nourished and well hydrated before she has surgery.
Dehydration has a lot to do with altitude sickness; make sure to stay well hydrated when climbing to high altitudes so you won't get sick.
"Stay well hydrated, and that will at least force you to get up to go to the loo."
Keep your skin well hydrated to prolong your tan.
Once you're skin is buffed and stubble-free, make sure you show it off by keeping it well hydrated.
You don't necessarily have to follow the "eight glasses a day" rule, but you do want to drink enough water to keep your body well hydrated.
Treatment consists of staying well hydrated; rehydration solutions like Gastrolyte are the best for this.