A rough diamond, but remarkably well polished in parts.
They are deep black and some pieces are well polished.
The rock face here is well polished by countless boots, and might seem dangerous, but there are many "jugholds" which offer firm support.
Its plain wooden handle and sheath were well polished with use.
In particular, the preform for the test-fiber shown in the figure was not polished well, and the cracks are seen with confocal optical microscope.
The glacial drift has cobbles that are well polished by the wind and cut into ventifacts.
The word 'marble' is also used for other stones that can be polished well and for ball shaped objects used for child games.
The bronze figure thus obtained is then cleaned, finer details are added, blemishes are removed, smoothened, and polished well.
Human feet, shod in what looked to be leather shoes--too well polished for someone standing on the shores of a river, truth be known.
Your great-aunt always insisted on her furniture being well polished; I have no doubt that he will be very pleased to buy it.