He was also a calm, well-adjusted man, who always kept his beard short and neatly braided.
A less well-adjusted man would be bitter.
He fed his kids, minded his own business without unduly annoying other people about it, and was unmistakably a happy and well-adjusted man.
Outwardly most seem like ordinary, responsible, well-adjusted men.
I've seen well-adjusted men in Vietnam kill babies.
I want him to make friends with people who will genuinely care for him and nurture him to become a well-rounded, well-adjusted man".
As common as this constellation is, probably a feature of most "well-adjusted" men, as little is done to address it.
His family could not understand how this quiet, well-adjusted man could have been driven to this deed.
Except the Hanson boys come across as well-adjusted young men, not moody artistes.