The President's plan requires insurers to cover routine physicals and well-baby care with no deductibles and no co-payments.
"I consider well-baby care to be a capitalist plot," Maryam Steffen, a mother of four said only half-kidding.
Supplementary feeding is often provided as an incentive for participation in public services such as primary health care (pre- and post-natal and well-baby care) and education.
Because they provide prevention and wellness programs, including routine checkups and well-baby care, H.M.O.'s are particularly attractive to younger families.
In order to attract the healthiest enrollees, plans would include features attractive to young professionals and their families, like health club memberships and well-baby care.
It would retain coverage of prenatal and well-baby care, pap smears, mammograms and mental health services.
Do the plans offered cover preventive care, well-baby care, vision or dental care?
Find out if your plan covers well-baby care.
This will help women to access services like mammograms and well-baby care.
But regular health insurance plans hardly ever pay for well-baby care, which can be quite expensive for the first couple of years.