She was a tall, well-built woman, and seems to have been a fine actress.
I think every man prefers to look at a well-built woman, rather than someone in the shape of a rubber ball.
At this time she was just over fifty, a well-built woman with a high-coloured, sculptured face, short black hair and fine legs.
The neighbour, who transpired to be a well-built, middle-aged woman, clearly had him in her sights and was moving fast to cut off his escape.
Bolan whirled around and found himself facing a wet, extremely well-built woman.
Two men with one well-built woman in a small confined area just doesn't work out to a balanced equation.
In life she was a well-built woman about five feet five inches tall.
The victim was a well-built, attractive thirty-year-old woman from Brooklyn.
Not bad if you liked well-built women, she decided impartially.