They argue that the closing impedes traffic flow unnecessarily and is inconsistent with the well-conceived historic plan for the city.
A well-conceived plan will give you a quicker and easier process.
This a well-conceived plan, but with a subtlety uncharacteristic of our wild-eyed Asturian brothers.
"Was it a coincidence or a well-conceived plan to end the canal at the exact point where the river curls westward and nearly touches the highway?"
Suddenly he saw his well-conceived plan going down the drain.
The team is his most significant investment so he must have a well-conceived plan for guiding the Yankees into the post-season again.
Hermoupolis was built, according to a well-conceived plan, on empty ground.
The skill with which the slabs had been placed in position indicated to me a very well-conceived plan.
It can scarcely be imagined that he would have opposed the Philadelphia Museum's immensely well-conceived plan.
Yugoslavia, playing with a well-conceived plan and fearless precision, remained within a point of the United States with 14 minutes to play.