He compares the creative range of the algorithms that generate the musical response to a Calder mobile, which, while constantly shifting, exists within well-defined limits.
Both branches make use of the fundamental notions of convergence of infinite sequences and infinite series to a well-defined limit.
The existing "quasi-parishes should have well-defined limits, and the jurisdiction and privileges of pastors should be indicated by the bishops.
Each of the two terms on the right hand side typically blows up in the limit as y approaches x but the difference between them has a well-defined limit.
The satirist, Saki, once observed that right and wrong, like the Russian Empire, had certain well-defined limits, albeit not always in the same place.
There were well-defined limits and absolute hierarchy inside the Ky family.
What should you do when a child exceeds a well-defined limit?
As a consequence, many subspecies, varieties, and forms were described, without well-defined limits between them.
There remain well-defined limits to the new openness, however.
But petipa kept to well-defined limits of courtly behaviour and never fell into an extravagant style, even in the market place scene of Don Quixote.