What did it matter if the change in posture meant she could see all of his chest now, the hard planes, the well-defined muscles?
First he twisted his body around to show the well-defined muscles in his shoulders.
A strong neck and good square shoulders, well-defined muscles without that bunchy look that some of the guys went for.
She was tall, with shapely curves and well-defined muscles.
He could see her lean, well-defined muscles flexing as she strode toward them.
Are strong boned, with well-defined muscles and sturdy joints.
Beneath the starched business shirt Jax could see the well-defined muscles in his back and shoulders.
This season he came back in remarkable condition: lean, trim, with well-defined muscles in his arms and legs.
Long of limb, muscles well-defined and covered with sleek bronzed skin, he lay at ease.
The man was about thirty, with strong well-defined muscles and not an inch of fat on his body.