Comodo System Cleaner is as well-designed and functional a program as its competitors, yet it's free, which makes it the best bargain there is.
Even if well-designed programs are implemented, the difficulty in assessing the economic worth of ecosystem services remains.
Cancer or abnormal cells are symptoms of a chemical imbalance in the body, and that imbalance can be corrected with a well-designed, individualized program on metabolism.
There is nothing compassionate or conservative about blowing the surplus on windfalls for the wealthy instead of investing it in fair tax relief and well-designed social programs.
I used your well-designed program to create a bootable SpinRite disk.
A well-designed program or a well-informed planner up on the latest economic research can sort this out.
The answer is positive - a well-designed program really works.
The strategy is sound because studies show that well-designed welfare-to-work programs have modestly reduced state welfare rolls.
A well-designed program is a few lines of Perl in the main program that use a number of modules - see Creating CPAN Modules.
Bank officials said there was strong evidence that well-designed and well-executed needle-exchange programs limit H.I.V. spread among people who inject drugs.