Some have been tested in well-designed clinical trials.
There have been no well-designed clinical trials involving large numbers of patients to study the use of coenzyme Q10 in cancer treatment.
Therefore, at this time, the use of 714-X as a treatment for cancer cannot be recommended outside the context of well-designed clinical trials.
So, they said, well-designed clinical trials are needed to determine whether these approaches are helpful or harmful.
At present, the use of mistletoe cannot be recommended outside the context of well-designed clinical trials.
Many of the well-designed, large-scale trials have reported a beneficial effect rather than no effect.
Meher and colleagues found only four well-designed clinical trials assessing bed rest in pregnant women with high blood pressure.
Evidence obtained from well-designed and well-conducted nonrandomized controlled trials.
Three well-designed randomized trials have found that the babies of parents who had such training slept significantly better than those whose parents did not.
Until now, no agent tested in well-designed clinical trials has been able to make a dent in the death rate from sepsis.