However well-documented studies and foundation of this field are usually attributed to a psychiatrist named Jacob Moreno.
Based on this well-documented study, though, I think the official version holds up pretty well.
There are no well-documented studies demonstrating the superiority of laser techniques in breast surgery.
John Wennberg of Dartmouth has published well-documented studies of differences in physician-treatment patterns that can only be explained as regional variations in practice patterns.
This isn't a long book, not for the work of a German scholar, but it's a well-documented study of Debierue's original achievement.
Earlier, in a well-documented and heavily-criticized study, John M. Allegro proposed the mushroom as the forbidden fruit.
The Manuel d'artillerie was a technical work of more than average competence, a 500-page closely-reasoned and well-documented study designed to appeal to professionals.
According to well-documented studies the gold was transported by circuitous routes to Berlin, where it was melted down and stamped as Reichsbank gold.
Answer: Although there have been numerous stories of this happening, there has never been a well-documented study that has proven this.