It requires a well-drained, sunny site in poor to moderate soil, with minimal wetness in winter.
This type of forest is found on comparatively fertile and well-drained sites.
It does require moisture and shade, and is often prolific near streams if in well-drained sites.
It favours well-drained sites, especially in calcareous soils.
Besides well-drained sites, to keep them from rotting, all bulbs need fertilizing when their roots are growing - spring and fall.
Angiopteris evecta can be grown in well-drained moist sites in the garden with some shade.
It prefers a well-drained site, so heavy clay soils that stay wet in winter should be avoided.
They prefer a well-drained, sunny site which retains moisture during the summer months.
They generally prefer humus-rich, moist, well-drained sites, ranging from bottomland soils to vertical rock walls.
Most bulbs originate from areas with dry summer climates so prefer a warm, sunny, well-drained site.