Comes from an old family, well-educated and managed to stay free of the intrigues of the Romulan court.
Niezbrzycki was born on July 27, 1902 in Vinnitsa, in a well-educated family.
Hertz was born into a wealthy and well-educated family.
She is part German and was raised by a very well-educated family.
The well-to-do, well-educated family continued its political tradition a century later.
He was born in Colombia, into a well-off and well-educated family in Bogota.
Raised in a well-educated family, young Thomas Karsten developed progressive and liberal ideas.
He was born in a well-educated family, and his family had been government officials for generations.
Dowell was the son of his second marriage, to a Miss Smith who came from a well-educated and artistic family.
Shahzad comes from a wealthy, well-educated family in northwest Pakistan.