The giant seemed to have a full platoon of highly trained and well-equipped soldiers, and his tactics were excellent.
First, the Ottoman 5th Army was the best army they had, some 84,000 well-equipped soldiers in six divisions.
They had 9,000 well-equipped, well-trained professional soldiers in scarlet coats.
Such units would have been composed of well-equipped, effective soldiers and would often have included kinsmen of the general.
During his command, the Greater Polish Army grew from merely 20,000 to over 100,000 soldiers, well-armed and well-equipped.
This is aimed towards creating fast, well-equipped soldiers able to be quickly deployed to counter threats.
It was a display of Boholano bravery against the well-equipped, well-trained Japanese soldiers.
In late July, the Union military sent a force of 100 well-equipped soldiers, and 650 other men, after Anderson.
The Swedish Army consisted of 45,000 men, experienced and well-equipped soldiers.
In a particularly moving sequence, as the platoon moves out, it encounters a relief column of clean, well-equipped soldiers marching toward Bastogne.