It uses Mafia mythology to goose a well-established genre.
A contemporary hybrid of this now well-established genre is Jean-Philippe Toussaint's second novel, "Monsieur," which chronicles the uneventful life and times of an anonymous Paris bachelor.
"A Tale of Two Sisters" is the first major South Korean example of a now well-established genre: the new Asian psychological horror film.
Accounts of captivity narratives based in North America were published from the 18th through the 19th centuries, but they were part of a well-established genre in English literature.
General 'advice books', directed at women, parents, or householders, were, however, already a well-established genre.
Wisdom literature was a well-established genre in the Middle East; it tried to delve into the meaning of life, not by philosophical reflection, but by inquiring into the best way to live: it was often highly pragmatic.
These feel like familiar stories - examples of a well-established genre, even: the personal account that illustrates the wider political context.
Mr. Meirelles, a young director with grand ambitions and luckily the talent to match, is working in a well-established genre, the socially conscious gangster saga with roots in Depression-era Hollywood.
Films with a science fiction theme were an uncommon but well-established genre of motion picture long before the 1950s.
She and her partner, Kim Bregman, found several hundred adult camps, most in the well-established genres of golf and tennis instruction, and fantasy baseball, where grown-ups live out their childhood dreams of playing in the major leagues.