With a force like that, Ruin could assault even a well-fortified position.
His bold action completely demoralised the enemy who fled despite numerical superiority and well-fortified positions.
He knew tactics and was in a well-fortified position.
This was a well-fortified position held in strength by the enemy.
Nevertheless, he predicted that even if most Guard members tried to avoid a fight, others would remain dug in and would have to be forced out of their well-fortified positions.
The British however faced a well-fortified position.
Aerial surveillance later showed that the militants were dispersed among 24 or more well-fortified positions around the towns of Dras and Kargil.
Then it came against another well-fortified position.
There are many unanswered questions about the 500 to 600 militants who have established well-fortified positions in northern Kashmir's snow-capped, oxygen-thin peaks.
Soon after, they marched against Husrev Pasha, who had been joined by a considerable number of Turks in a well-fortified position at Damietta.