The first question is whether any of these well-heeled guests saw Lincoln's ghost.
In that memorable year the Tiptop Inn opened its snazzy French doors to a galaxy of well-heeled guests.
Ince felt his players initially showed their well-heeled guests "too much respect", yet any reverence was soon dispelled.
The wealthy Colombians who renovated the old mansions here tend to be fair-skinned, as do the well-heeled guests of the new boutique hotels.
Leading chefs from New York City cooked for the well-heeled guests.
A quiet murmur passed through the crowd as the well-heeled guests questioned the governor's tact in addressing the subject.
Adding to the injury, after the ceremony, some young beggars cursed the well-heeled guests who refused their demands for a few francs.
By 5 p.m., well-heeled overnight guests, trailed by carts of luggage, replaced the stagehands on the sidewalk outside the hotel.
Scrutiny was already tight to protect its well-heeled guests, but now the hotel has undergone what Mr. French called "a full terrorist audit" from top to bottom.
Eleven times during the night, stretch limousines dropped off well-heeled guests at the large waterfront house in Fort Lauderdale.