Several well-informed people proclaimed the deal to be ridiculously ill conceived.
The students are very pleasant and interesting people, quite well-informed and keen.
We know how to do good education that produces disciplined, well-informed young people who have reached their potential, whatever that may be.
The future price of oil is a topic on which very intelligent, well-informed people can have completely different views.
MacScoop also believes that the laptop will be $1700-$1800 after having discussions with "well-informed" people.
"Not one person raised their hand, and these are bright, well-informed people."
By contrast, well-informed people are more likely to ask others for help.
I have spoken to dozens of intelligent, well-informed people, men and women, who don't even know the legislation has been signed by the President.
There was a sudden quiet movement of well-informed people out of the larger cities.
But what if it could be shown that even highly competent, well-informed people fail to make choices in their best interest?