Residents say, however, that it offers quiet, well-kept streets, a respected school system and waterfront recreation.
The victims - London's hard-working shopkeepers, commuters and families, proud of their homes and their well-kept streets - began to lose faith in the law.
The cottages fronted on well-kept streets.
A new family has moved into the tan corner house on a well-kept street in the suburb of Kendall, southwest of Miami.
The historic center of Stellenbosch can be seen in a pleasant stroll of an hour or two along well-kept streets and lanes.
"A modest home on a well-kept street," said the announcer of the local television station.
Fading daylight showed well-kept streets; orderly lines of automobiles waiting at the gates of crossings.
The woman in charge points proudly to the well-kept streets, the flowers and, above all, the feeling of having done it themselves.
The question drummed in her head as she walked along the narrow, well-kept street.
Walking down a well-kept street as doormen watched and matrons looked on disapprovingly was an experience to be avoided.