But the landmarks panel feared the company's well-known logo would eclipse the 150-foot-high, 200-ton structure.
If it didn't carry such a well-known logo, I could get a good price for it.
VHS and DVD movies that bear the well-known logo have gone through the THX Digital Mastering Program.
The name "Golden Archer", in conjunction with the character's last name, is a pun on the restaurant chain McDonald's' well-known logo, the "Golden Arches".
Products certified by the Edah are marked with the well-known logo of the Edah.
Instead, it features a gold heartagram, the band's well-known logo.
This logo has been modified from two dimensions, to colour, to three dimensions, over time and it is now one of the most well-known logos in Australia.
Mr. Pirko said the benefits of being able to advertise a product as "new and improved" would outweigh the costs of dropping Nutrasweet's well-known logo.
It was a beacon displaying a well-known commercial logo and a symbol of industrial Camden.
Last month, it began selling household items, even furniture, with the Tube's well-known circle-and-bar logo.