Now the possibility exists that language structure is not independent (contrary to Chomsky's well-known views) of the uses to which it is put.
It will include 121 works, everything from the artist's early plein-air studies to his well-known views of port towns and seascapes along the French coast.
That version of history contradicts not only the record but Mr. Bork's well-known views.
Perhaps its most well-known views related to economic matters, particularly the liberalization of the economy and the adoption of laissez-faire principles.
There are two well-known views that have been reported.
Eliade attributes the well-known "cyclic" view of time in ancient thought to the eternal return.
But the best is the now well-known view of a stiff collar reposing on a checkerboard.
The most well-known view defended by Peter is that God can cause a past event to have never existed.
Mr. Bolanos's farewell address was an articulate restatement of his well-known political views.
This is the general - and well-known - view of the European Union on the crisis in Zaire.