But he has a guardian in the veteran Dwight Stone, one of the most well-liked and respected members of the locker room.
Survivors of sexual assault, especially when the offender is a well-liked member of the community, are often not believed.
Shersty was a shy but well-liked member of his school communities and took part in activities such as school plays and the marching band.
At 6'1' and 255 pounds, Luzinski was a well-liked member of the Phillies and a feared slugger who could also hit for average despite striking out frequently.
As a well-liked member of the King's Privy Chamber he enjoyed a close relationship with Henry.
His low-key demeanor and laconic sense of humor have made him a well-liked member of the Rainbow team.
The former Northwestern basketball coach was a well-liked member of a sprawling coaching fraternity.
After all, Kirk had risked the ship in a foolhardy maneuver to snatch the Hoshan aboard, and a well-liked member of the medical department had been seriously injured.
He had been a solid, professional member of the expedition, well-liked and trusted by the others.
Van Gorkom, previously a well-liked member of the Chicago business community, was criticized in some quarters for his performance in negotiating the merger of TransUnion.