It was the body of a tall, well-made man, about forty years of age.
He was a tall, well-made young man, but she could not tell why she remembered him in particular.
Running at speed along one of the branches was a short, well-made man dressed only in a sea green breechcloth.
The old-fashioned uniform was one to set off a well-made man.
Doctor Jekyll was a tall, well-made man of fifty with a smooth, kindly face.
He was a small, well-made man with a narrow face and a pointed chin.
He only is a well-made man who has a good determination.
They were tall men, well-made, with dark skins and brown eyes.
She let nothing else slip, and started feeling randy again at the sight of this pair of well-made young men.
A tall, well-made man, this visitor, with a rich beard and lavish clothes.