I'm trying to demonstrate that there are equally beautiful and well-made pieces of furniture made in woods other than huanghuali.
Sound color provides both the weight and glue for this well-made piece.
There's an online version of the game, but the high-quality art and the well-made pieces make the physical game a feast for the senses.
The most fiendish of strategy games, all on a beautifully designed, evocative board, with satisfyingly well-made wooden pieces.
But although the 47-year-old author believes strongly in narrative, "I don't mean well-made 19th-century pieces."
While there's no guarantee your box will increase in value over time, well-made, unique pieces often do.
Only inspiration could make the difference between a well-made piece and an artistic one.
"Silver Ladders" is a well-made piece - plan and material not to this taste, but method sound.
The tables and chairs were solid, well-made pieces of the woodworker's art, worn, like the floor, to a beautiful softness.
There are a sizable number of handsome, innovative and well-made pieces by recognized and unfamiliar craft artists.