At every turn, this administration has resisted with scorn the well-meaning advice of friend and foe alike.
We have been led down a perilous path by well-meaning but disastrous advice.
Parents nowadays are inundated with so much well-meaning advice from so many sources, it seems almost impertinent to proffer any more.
But for her, the war felt perceptible only when neighbors, half teasing, half serious, gave her well-meaning advice.
But this was not advice I either sought or needed, however well-meaning.
She'd ignored all well-meaning advice to ease up, slow down, find a hobby, get a life.
Paro gets confused by Ranjan's pragmatic, well-meaning advice, as she had hoped and expected him to want her to stay back in the city.
Was Nicole just following Paula's well-meaning but misguided advice?
The word 'directive' creates the impression that these are non-binding recommendations, hence well-meaning advice.
I've been letting too many other people run my life by listening to their well-meaning advice.