"Well, skritz," he said, facing the trial every well-meaning but sensible person faced under similar circumstances.
He is portrayed as a well-meaning but ineffectual person who has a romantic interest in Jane.
He saw a group of men throwing and kicking rubbish around and like any well-meaning person asked them what on earth they were doing.
That is, do you and your wife, as aunt and uncle, have a deeper responsibility for this child than does any other well-meaning person?
He didn't want some well-meaning person parcelling them with the dead constable's effects and sending them to his widow.
How about some compassion for the well-meaning person who breaks rules only because they "hurt, prevent action, deny hope, and neglect hard cases"?
An intelligent and well-meaning person, she spends much of her time explaining concepts such as bacteria to people who aren't going to believe her.
Her mother watched her daughters carefully for fear that a well-meaning person might abduct them.
"I am sure you are a well-meaning person," I said cautiously.
When they donated books to a local fund-raising event, some well-meaning person bought up most of those books and left them at the Prospero's doorstep.