It was Nieuwendyk's first goal of the season and it rewarded a well-organized attack.
In addition to these assassinations a well-organized attack on the garrison at Jolo was made in April, 1881, but it was successfully repulsed.
Looks like a well-organized attack!
The complexity of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, he said, showed that "even terrorist organizations can conduct very well-organized and sophisticated attacks."
Town after town fell under well-organized attacks made by the imperial troops.
American military officials updated the casualty count from a well-organized insurgent attack on Abu Ghraib prison on Saturday evening.
The well-organized attack came despite the fact that American and Iraqi troops have flooded areas of southern Baghdad.
Thursday's large and well-organized attack was a sharp riposte to efforts by the newly elected Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, to arrange an end to violence.
His defensemen parted courteously, sometimes even setting up the Bruins' well-organized attack.
Increasingly well-organized and deadly attacks are directed against American troops, foreign relief workers and Iraqi security recruits.