If the legislation could only help Catholics, West Belfast Protestants who too lack a supporting network of friends and relations able to assist them in obtaining well-paid employment, could complain.
The other is to find well-paid employment which will provide her with an adequate income to afford the repayments.
The aim of telecottages is to create well-paid, flexible employment which will provide new jobs and make existing rural industries more competitive.
But is it so wrong for them to want to something other than "the large house, the beautiful car, the undemanding but well-paid employment"?
What action will the Government take to ensure that home workers obtain well-paid, reasonable employment - or does the Minister intend to revel in the Christmas season while home workers cannot afford to do so?
Should ever your grace decide to quit England, for whatever reasons, he will find a most cordial welcome and well-paid employment in Anqara.
Get people with disabilities into well-paid employment - don't cut their basic social security.
Nobody ever has known what the real, steady, and well-paid employment rate is, and "well-paid" only means near or slightly above the average national income per capita.
The woman explains that she owes someone a favour and sets Sandra up with papers and well-paid employment in Shanghai.
His entry into the officer corps in 1937 secured him relatively well-paid employment in a society where most people lived in poverty.