It seemed to be proceeding along a reasonably well-paved road at moderate speed.
After the well-paved road passes mile marker 10, it splits in two.
The steering was light and the ride surprisingly good, on well-paved roads.
So when the play reaches its climax, it feels less like an abrupt turn than the inevitable end of a single, well-paved road.
The car turned north onto a well-paved road and shot down an avenue of impressive new homes looking out over the breeze-etched river.
When they reached the end of this stretch of well-paved road, Harry would have to slow his pace.
An executive with an oil company, Hartwell is steeped in regrets for having taken the well-paved road to success.
Wheeled vehicles moved quietly and sedately over the well-paved roads.
The scenic and well-paved old road passes a number of handsome haciendas.
In recent years parties of pilgrims have been using well-paved roads.