In the second room, I shredded him with a well-placed kick to the crotch.
A high, well-placed kick sent the device flying from his hand.
It looked flimsy; a well-placed kick would have done the job, but that wasn't in her repertoire just now.
Catti-brie rushed back out again, but not before one last, well-placed kick.
She faced away from the wall of G mites, then let fly with a well-placed kick.
"You knocked one out with a well-placed kick," Croft observed.
Blue crawled over to a side table and broke off one of its legs with a well-placed kick.
This is a kid who could break a man's ribs with a well-placed kick, but she was almost trembling as she approached the horse.
He still clutched the pistol when Quincannon reached him, but one well-placed kick and it went flying.
Then Chem got there and swept him away with a well-placed kick in the head.