Behind the Royal Palace, off carrer Tapineria, is Plaça de Berenguer el Gran, which has a well-preserved section of the original Roman wall.
Just below the permanent market halls, on the main Praça da República, you'll find a well-preserved section of the medieval castle walls (which were much damaged by the 1755 earthquake).
The most well-preserved sections are east of the museum, including the house of the.
EAST of the Porta San Paolo is a particularly well-preserved section of the wall.
Because defining a GSSP depends on finding well-preserved geologic sections and identifying key events, this task becomes more difficult as one goes farther back in time.
They do not remain unbroken any longer because of the growth of the town, but there are several well-preserved sections besides the arches.
This well-preserved section of the old route is in the present-day city of Nakatsugawa, Gifu Prefecture, Japan.
Many bicyclists have described the well-preserved section of the Trondheim postal road between Hyllestad and Fjaler as one of the most exhilarating cycling experiences in the country.
Near the beach is a well-preserved section of the fortified Atlantic Wall, open to the public as the Atlantic Wall Open Air Museum.