In recent years, several well-publicized incidents within the United States have suggested that some memoir writers have exaggerated or largely fabricated their works.
There was also a well-publicized incident this season when Washington's Chris Simon used a racial epithet against Grier.
Mahaney also escaped from custody which included well-publicized incidents where he jumped from a train without injury.
This may be a good place to note that, despite the occasional well-publicized incident, physical attacks on teachers by parents are relatively uncommon in New York's public schools.
But those same tactics have come under increasing scrutiny in the wake of a series of well-publicized incidents of police brutality.
In recent years, there have been several well-publicized incidents of memoir writers who exaggerated or fabricated certain facts in their work.
Delta Force was formed after numerous, well-publicized terrorist incidents in the 1970s.
He is also asked about the condition of Johnny Do, after a well-publicized "incident at Los Alamos", and replies that he's injured, but still alive.
There had been a well-publicized incident during previews of the production.
There have been some well-publicized incidents where Myspace parties have caused thousands of dollars damage to property, and even (in at least one case) loss of life.