After years of well-received performances, the company was forced to cancel several productions in 2011 due to budgetary concerns.
Prior to the album's release, DeBarge made several well-received performances and reintroduced himself to the public.
He played the part of a publicist in People I Know, a small film that received little attention despite Pacino's well-received performance.
The show was not a success, but Amundsen's well-received performance is preserved on the original cast recording.
Her well-received performance, allowed her to gain a bigger budget to create her first English album Unison.
In addition to her well-received performances, she is also recognized as a graceful dancer.
After a single, well-received performance in 1931, the group was disbanded.
It featured a well-received performance by Laurette Taylor.
Another well-known and well-received performance was as a homeless young mother in the television movie God Bless the Child.
She appeared in more than fifty films, including a well-received performance in the 1971 film Evdokia.