With a soft leather noseband on a well-trained horse, the effect is minimal.
The well-trained horse backed up, too, keeping pace with her.
People who watch an expert rider on a well-trained horse often cannot see these signs.
Les, on the ground, guarded somewhat by his well-trained horse, was either dead or unconscious.
In this terrain and on these young, well-trained horses, you have to ride, not just sit.
What a marvelously responsive thing it was, like having a well-trained horse beneath you, responding to your slightest pressure.
It is meant to be performed by well-trained and balanced horses with skilled riders.
We get some not much smarter than a well-trained horse.
On a well-trained horse, a bridle may be used instead of a longeing cavesson.
All riding disciplines are presented and the facility provides well-trained horses for the riders.