That shift, they warn, could ultimately mean greater risks for air travelers, because American flight schools are the main source of well-trained commercial pilots for foreign airlines.
These days, two well-trained pilots can operate a jumbo jet by monitoring video displays and entering commands by pushing buttons.
The nature of the mission and the characteristics of the aircraft demanded extremely skilled, well-trained pilots, and competition for the chance to fly the Nighthawk was intense.
Longitudinal and lateral stability was also unsatisfactory which made it suitable only for well-trained pilots.
Students will learn about the cutting-edge technology that makes stealth missions possible and the well-trained pilots who carry them out.
While the Luftwaffe had a ready supply of airplanes at this point in the war, well-trained pilots and fuel were two components in short supply.
It has been established that a well-trained, Colonial pilot, even a nugget, can stand up to a Raider and win in most situations.
Additionally, Japan's training program failed to provide enough well-trained pilots to replace losses.
It's a very challenging way of controlling a vehicle that only a well-trained and disciplined pilot can handle, thus the choice of Black Lightning.
Other types, especially the Italian Fiat G.50 and Curtiss Hawk 75 also proved capable in the hands of well-trained Finnish pilots.