About 15 years ago, the company began a comprehensive wellness program.
Step 2 was to develop a comprehensive wellness program for the workers.
A. Travelers has a center for corporate health, which designs whole wellness programs.
The questions and answers below provide some guidance regarding wellness programs.
Residents have access to a wellness program as well as child care and job training.
In 1987 the Army published a wellness program called, "1,2,3, fit to win!"
Join the wellness program, and your health premiums are covered.
Physical therapy sessions are $100 an hour; a wellness program, which includes use of all facilities including classes, is $180 a month.
Every year, people are asked to donate the money they'd spend on a pair of jeans to support breast cancer research and wellness programs.
It aims to meet all healthcare needs of the nation through unparalleled patient care and wellness programs.