Despite this, there are still obvious differences between eastern and western Berlin.
There was another major raid on 28-29 January 1944, when Berlin's western and southern districts were hit in the most concentrated attack of this period.
The streets in the eastern sections of the city today were, unusually, cleaner looking than those in western Berlin.
But the election results were for the most part markedly different in eastern and western Berlin, suggesting that although the wall had fallen, divisions remain.
It often takes an hour or so to get through from western Berlin to Potsdam.
Trains from western Berlin passed the station without stopping.
There are still differences between eastern and western Berlin.
We met at a restaurant in the chic Savignyplatz quarter in western Berlin.
Indeed, he had visited western Berlin less than a dozen times since the wall was breached by the autumn revolution of 1989.
On a clear day, the tower offers a comprehensive view of western Berlin.