Alpine snowfall has continued, the heaviest being in Switzerland and western Italy.
The company operating a cruise ship that capsized after hitting rocks off western Italy, killing six, says the captain may have "committed errors".
Also regions of Karst topography are in evidence, caused by extension of the crust beneath western Italy and the Tyrrhenian Sea.
And as the weekend came, the Kandahar Banchetta course in western Italy's Alps had dried after four successive sunny days.
The 442nd was sent to western Italy to aid the Allies' advance up the northern Italian coast.
Some of these hit and either sank or damaged a number of ships, including warships offshore of amphibious landings on western Italy.
The company that runs the cruise ship that capsized after hitting rocks off western Italy on Friday says the captain may have made mistakes.
Until July 1944 I./KG 26 continued to fly anit-shipping missions off Anzio and western Italy.
She was born Katerina de Benincasa in western Italy, the 23rd of 24 children.
Survivors tell their stories of escape from the capsized cruise ship Costa Concordia, which hit rocks off western Italy.