While 1793 saw no important battles in the western Pyrenees, the following year saw significant action.
It is an endemic species of the western Pyrenees.
In the western Pyrenees, the French began to win in 1794.
Wellington defended the line of the western Pyrenees with a covering force of 62,000 men.
The instrument is currently widespread in the western Pyrenees, and it bears the hallmark of the territory.
Navarre, a medieval kingdom in the western Pyrenees of Europe.
So who were the Cagots, other, similar allusions to whom you will also come across in the western Pyrenees?
In his northern advance, Hasdrubal arrived at the passes of the western Pyrenees.
A deadly outbreak of disease stalled French operations in the western Pyrenees during the winter 1794-1795.
The distribution of the genus Trissexodon includes the western Pyrenees.